PINK Plans for 2022

Five days into the New Year seems like a good time to look forward and put down in writing new plans and projects, both personally and in my sewing life.  Occasionally in past years, I have chosen a word to guide me in my thinking, and after a sewing friend (thank you, Debra!) suggested this approach again, I happily went with the first word which popped into my mind.  P I N K.

Pink is undoubtably my favorite color.  I love it in all hues and shades, from the palest pink to deepest fuchia, from bubblegum pink to carnation pink.  I love wearing pink and I love sewing with pink fabrics. Looking at fabrics I have collected over the past few years testifies to this fact.

A few of those selections with “assignments” for 2022 will be scattered amongst this exploration into PINK.

And first up is this length of deep pink cashmere blend (Farmhouse Fabrics), from which I plan to make this jacket:


P of course stands for PINK the color.

P is also a good reminder to keep PERSPECTIVE on the year.  If the last two years have taught us anything, it is to be prepared for the unexpected.  Sometimes things are out of our control, thwarting our plans and timing.  Rolling with the punches (another P-word!) is something I need to become better at.  Which brings me to . . .

P is for PERSEVERANCE.  This is an invaluable asset when it comes to sewing well – and living well.  

I have plans to make a day dress out of this soft and supple dress-weight wool, purchased from Mendel Goldberg Fabrics. I am still deciding on the pattern.


I is for INDULGENCE.  I have decided to indulge my love of coats and dresses and fancy clothes even I don’t need them.  So there!  

I is also for INDECISION.  I am not usually one who has trouble making decisions, but sometimes, a fabric or pattern stumps me.  When that happens, I have to step back and let time make the decision for me.  It always works.

I is for INSPIRATION, which is never in short supply among all the vintage patterns, fashions, buttons, and fabrics in the couture-loving-and-sewing online community.

If you follow my blog, you have seen this duo before. Silk charmeuse for a fancy blouse and silk twill for a floaty skirt, both from Britex Fabrics.


N is for NEW ENDEAVORS, both in sewing and in my personal life – NEW patterns, NEW fabrics (YES! Even new fabrics), NEW commitments, determined by answering these two questions:  What can I let go of?  And, more importantly perhaps, What can I not let go of? 

N is also for NOT feeling guilty about all the time I devote to sewing and fashion and dreaming about both. 

The pink gingham on the right is silk taffeta. When I purchased this fabric from Farmhouse Fabrics, I intended to make a shirt dress, but then it did not seem right to me. A couple of years later, I knew it needed to be a Spring coat instead, lined with the quirky vintage 1950s’ novelty silk. The pattern is below, first used by me in 1974 for a trench coat I sadly no longer have.
I love this pattern now as much as I did when I first made it in my early twenties.


K is for Kindred Spirits – such an amazing camaraderie amongst the global sewing community. I am so grateful to be part of the network of friendships we share.

K is for Keeping Focus, and for the need to Knuckle Down in order to accomplish my sewing and personal goals this year.   

K is finally for Kindness which I hope will guide me throughout this new year.

Even when I choose a color other than pink, somehow pink wiggles its way into the design. When I found this fabric at Emma One Sock Fabrics, I immediately thought of making a tunic and trimming it with pink Petersham ribbon.
A Pink-Lover’s Dream Collection: From top to bottom: 1)vintage Moygashel linen, purchased on eBay 2) silk charmeuse, purchased from Britex Fabrics 3)vintage Moygashel linen, purchased by me in the 1970s 4) linen, possibly Moygashel, purchased on Etsy 5) silk jacquard purchased from Britex 6) silk charmeuse, purchased from Mendel Goldberg Fabrics 7 & 8) coordinating silks, purchased from Mendel Goldberg.

“And now we welcome the new year, full of things that have never been.”  Rainer Maria Rilke

Happy New Year, dear Sewing Friends.  


Filed under Mid-Century style, silk, Silk taffeta, Uncategorized, Vintage fabric

26 responses to “PINK Plans for 2022

  1. Oh how I love the trench coat pattern. How delightful in pink gingham!

  2. Linda D.

    Beautiful post. I absolutely love reading your blog. Okay bank you for writing. Happy New Year! That Dior pattern looks marvelous. Can’t wait to see what you make with it.

  3. Linda D.

    Thank you for writing.

  4. I loved all of this and every fabric! Pink and periwinkle will always make me happy. Loved reading your plans, Karen.

  5. Christine Taylor

    I love pink too in all its shades and other colours particularly red and green i fact anything as long as it is bright and zingy.

  6. I don’t know which is your greater gift. Is it your gift of creating expressions with words or with fabric? I have the same blue fabric with white flowers but I’m certain my slacks won’t compare to whatever you create.

    • Oh, thank you Peggy. Again, you have made my day! Isn’t that blue flowered fabric so pretty? I think I ordered more than I need for a tunic top – my daughter may end up with one as well!

  7. Marianne

    Lovely post, Karen. The world needs more pink!

  8. Mary B.

    I am a fan of your blog. I am also a keeper of patterns, like your trench coat, and always feel encouraged to use them after reading your posts. Thank you!

  9. I wholeheartedly join Peggy who said “…your gift of creating expressions with words or with fabric.” I love reading your blog and seeing all the gorgeous fabrics in your vault. I love both patterns — so very different and still so much fun. The pink stack is dreamy,,,heavy sigh. Advice for the day: Never ever feel bad about spending so much time sewing. It’s a wonderful talent & life style. While some people go to the bar and knock back a few…you’re creating something lovely to share with the world at home. And, in my book…it’s not a bad activity. trl

    • Tanya, thank you. Your comment is so lovely and so appreciated. Sewing gives me a peace (most of the time) that is elusive in so much of life’s busyness. Your words are very affirming to me!

  10. Happy New Year and may everything you make this year work out as planned with no massive problems. Always a pleasure to read you posts.

  11. This is an inspiring post, partly due to link 😊, and to those wonderful sewing plans. That Dior pattern is stunning! Thanks.

  12. Mery

    I thoroughly enjoyed reading your plans and seeing your fabrics and patterns. I look forward to vicariously enjoying your work on each of them and, of course, the results. As much as I’d gladly dwell on details of each, I even more wholeheartedly enjoyed the way you wrote it.

    No need to feel guilty over planning and making good wardrobe for ladies and sharing the process. Just like there are many stories of the right outfit opening doors of opportunity for an individual, I’ve been thinking about how something along those same lines is good for society. I think about how it gives me a lift to see someone in the grocery store in a dress instead of shorts or jeans, If we ladies could routinely do something while dress civilized, instead of emphasizing the grubby and the harried, might it not give the whole world a lift.

    • I practically got up and cheered when I read your comment, Mery. I so agree, and while I certainly do not always wear a dress while out and about doing the “routine,” I do try to look “put-together!” Like you, I always notice someone well-dressed at the grocery store – and it gives me a lift. Wearing Pearls in the cereal aisle – yes, please! Thank you, Mery!

  13. Debbie

    Karen, thanks so much for that post. If ok with you, I would love to use for me your analogy of the word Pink. I too love that color, going to write it down in my journal. As always, your graciousness and thoughts, not to mention your incredible sewing, are an inspiration to me.

  14. Kathy Miller

    Pink tops my list of preferred colors and it’s always a pleasure to see your makes. How could one not practice kindness when wearing or seeing pink-it just makes you feel good! Looking forward to enjoying the results of your sewing journey this year. Thank you for sharing.

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